DSLU launches a monthly digest on media and digital rights regulation in Ukraine

Ukraine is undergoing a rapid transformation of its media and digital sector during and despite the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. To accommodate the requirements of wartime and also fulfill its obligations before the EU Commission, which provided Ukraine with the EU candidacy subject to the completion of the media reform and approximation of EU legislation, Ukrainian stakeholders keep their intensive work on updating its legislation. Some of these amendments are aimed at improving the state of affairs with human rights in media and digital environments, while others can do more harm than good under the disguise of national security protection and martial law.

To reflect on these developments, DSLU launches a monthly digest on media and digital rights regulation in Ukraine. Therein, our experts will provide an overview and a brief legal analysis of the proposed and adopted legislation in the spheres of freedom of expression and media regulation, privacy and data protection, and Internet regulation in general. DSLU will also include a separate section on the activities of the National Broadcasting Council, which after the Law on Media’s entry into force in March 2023, became an authority in charge of drafting implementation regulations to supplement the Law and is now also an all-encompassing media regulator.

The first digest covers the month of July 2023. Inside the document, you will be able to find the updates on, among others:

  • the general political situation in the sphere of media regulation;
  • the debate surrounding the Draft Law on the Use of English Language and its influence on the quotas legislation;
  • the new consumer protection legislation and its impact on Internet freedoms;
  • the recent activity of the National Broadcasting Council in the spheres of combatting Russian influence on the media market and proposing new implementing acts for public consultations.

The digest for July 2023 can be accessed under the link: Digest №1 – July 2023