
What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation in May 2024?

May has been a turbulent month for the Ukrainian media environment. With “temnyky” returning to Ukrinform and Suspilne leaving the United Marathon, many commentators started questioning whether Ukraine is returning to the times of censoring independent media. However, some progress in implementing the Law on Media was nonetheless achieved. Read more in the May issue of our media regulation digest.

What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation in May 2024? Read More »

What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation in April 2024?

After an eventful start of the spring, in April, Ukrainian legislators mostly engaged in the discussions surrounding the new mobilisation law, and media-related issues had not been priority ones. Thus, this digest will be a relatively short one, depicting the rare initiatives and activities happening exactly one year after the Law on Media’s entry into force. Read about the most notable events happening during this period.

What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation in April 2024? Read More »

What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation in December 2023?

Appointment of the new Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Freedom of Expression, adoption of the new law amending the Ukrainian language broadcasting quotas, updates on the Draft Law on Personal Data Protection, and completion of the first stage of co-regulatory bodies creation in Ukraine are the key highlights of December 2023. Read more in our latest digest on media and digital rights regulation in Ukraine.

What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation in December 2023? Read More »

Digital Services Coordinator: a new player in the regulation of online platforms and who will take this role in Ukraine?

The analytical report was prepared as part of the Promoting Internet Freedom in Ukraine Program implemented by the American Bar Association in Ukraine / Rule of Law Initiative  1. Origins of legal regulation of online platforms in the EU Until

Digital Services Coordinator: a new player in the regulation of online platforms and who will take this role in Ukraine? Read More »

What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation? September 2023: legislation on ads in minority languages adopted, the new law potentially threatening NBC’s independence

DSLU has prepared its third volume of the monthly digest on media and digital rights regulation, now covering September 2023. This series of digests provides an overview of the proposed and adopted legislation in the spheres of freedom of expression,

What’s up with Ukraine’s media regulation? September 2023: legislation on ads in minority languages adopted, the new law potentially threatening NBC’s independence Read More »